Friday, February 10, 2006

hola from monterrey

sid and i had the privilege of having lunch with a pastor of a section of monterrey that is growing rapidly... 10 years ago the area had 300 families... today 1000
the church is called BETHEL and the pastor was overflowing with thanks for the americançs who come to encourage them... "you have no idea how much your coming encourages us to keep going strong" this from a lay pastor who has led 60 men to Christ in Bethel Church

tonite we´are meeting with 60 lay leaders from across the presbytery-district... we met them at Encounter with God Church... it was mainly made up of professionals and students... many of them spoke wonderful english, which was nice

thanks for praying... on saturday we are going to look at several potential sites for the next church plants

monterrey is city of 5 million which produces about half of mexico´s gnp