Friday, September 30, 2005

The bible is NOT given primarily to guide your conduct

Early in my Christian life I heard someone say, "The Bible was not given to increase your knowledge but to guide your conduct." Later I came to realize that this statement was simplistic at best and erroneous at worst.Read more

What is your only comfort in life and death?

That I am not my own,[1] but belong with body and soul, both in life and in death,[2] to my faithful Saviour Jesus Christ.[3] He has fully paid for all my sins with His precious blood, and has set me free from all the power of the devil.[5] He also preserves me in such a way[6] that without the will of my heavenly Father not a hair can fall from my head;[7] indeed, all things must work together for my salvation.[8] Therefore, by His Holy Spirit He also assures me of eternal life[9] and makes me heartily willing and ready from now on to live for Him

The h'berg catechism is so amazing

Deep down...

Every thoughtful mind has discovered the fact that down deep in His innermost soul Jesus carried an inexhaustible treasury of refined and heavenly whole thing

Intro to Christ Community tonite

All 3 sessions in one night, at Lammers' home, from 7pm-10pm
designed for students but anyone welcome

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The Joy of Jesus

He came as a conqueror with the gladness of the imminent victory in His heart; for the joy set before Him He was able to endure the cross, despising shame (Hebrews 12:2).


He exulted in the Holy Spirit (Luke 10:21) as He contemplated the ways of God in bringing many sons to glory.  The word (exulted) is a strong one and conveys the idea of exuberant gladness, a gladness which fills the heart.  –BB Warfield

October 7th if you want to catch a ride and go with

some friends in a sister church in ocala are heading to katrina relief in gulfport mississippi... and they have room for 2 more... the trip is friday thru sunday Oct 7-9
contact church office (379-4949)to get the contact info for Good Shepherd Presbyterian church

Which is it?

Listening to too much U2? Thinking about Jesus' anger in Mark 3 and how it led him to pursue what we might call social justice? Struggling to apply that in just ONE personal relationship? Reading the Old Testament? Hurricanes? Not sure, but it made me really want to listen to these lectures. Consider beating me to the punch.
the Call for the North American Evangelical Church to Engage Global Justice
Part 5 in Schaeffer Lectures - Where Is God? Justice in an Unjust World
Gary Haugen
Download Audio

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Intro to Christ Community Seminar

all 3 sessions in one night... Friday at the Lammers home from 7-10pm... details on

Monday, September 26, 2005

Katrina Trip for Cookers

for those of you who don't have the spiritual gift or calling of
DEBRIS REMOVAL... here's a trip for those who can cook:
From Pinewood Presbyterian in Middleburg/Orange Park:
One of our ladies is putting together a team to leave on Sunday or Monday of next week (Oct.2-3) to cook for the people from the PCA who are coming to Biloxi. This is an important need as the ones working now are about burned out. We will supply food, and other items for this, as well as transportation. We need 3 more ladies to go with the three that are committed. They would minister in this way for one week. They would also help pass out food to needy people who come when they are not busy. Please think of any of your ladies with a pioneering spirit who would consider this. There will an increase in teams and people in the next two weeks (50-60) who need to be fed in Biloxi according to Ben Harris, our presbytery coordinator and Biloxi coordinator.

Breakfasts and lunches are lighter and supper meal a regular meal so this is not overwhelming.

Please have any lady interested contact Nancy Gerlach: 352-406-0339. --end of note

Rob again: Let's assume the women going are intimidated by male chefs and that is the reason for the female only invitation.

Friday, September 23, 2005

As we prepare to gather sunday at 10am, a prayer:

ALMIGHTY God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid; Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love thee, and worthily magnify thy holy Name; through Christ our Lord. Amen.

A Life Chain

to promote the protection of unborn children... will be held on Sunday October 2nd from 2:00-3:00pm organized by Women's Resource Center and Pro-Life alliance of UF... more info from 377-4947

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Katrina Relief Trip POSTPONED

After conferring with people on the Miss. Gulf Coast, seeing the weather forecast, etc... we are postponing the trip. The new date is October 21-23. Pray for God's mercy on the people of the coasts of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. For those of you who all of a sudden have wide-open schedules, you might consider Jason Macgregor's invitation to spend some time Friday night in prayer, at the church house on Parker Road. Contact Jason at 372-5204

Katrina relief trip IN JEOPARDY.. stay tuned & flexible

Hurricane RITA
next RITA report to come out at noon

no katrina relief trip updates at this time

stay tuned...

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

coffee & conversation... tonite for women 7pm

that's it, hang... no agenda... come on overRand at debbie staples' home909 SW 83rd Ter
Gainesville, FL 32607-4955

Katrina Trip Details

UPDATEDTrip we know them now... check back couple times a day as things are obviously fluid

Staying at
Hospitality Inn Pensacola
4910 Mobile Highway
Pensacola, FL, US
(850) 453-3333 (800) 321-0052

Working at
Approximately here:
What we are doing?
Working in Ocean Springs, one of the area hit hardest. They have electricity.

What we need?
12-20 Tarps that are 20feet x12feet
30-50- 1x2 8 foot wood strips
5 boxes of contractor size bags
Dolly (don't buy one, if we have one good)
Saws-chain saw, portable saw, hand saws
Extention cords (100 feet)

Many heart wrenching photos and list of supplies

Time Table:
September 23, 2005
100-Meet at Chick-Fil-A on Archer Road
Arrive at Hotel 8:00 pm
September 24, 2005
5:00 AM- Wake-up, shower, breakfast at McDonalds/Hotel.
6:00 AM- On the Road
8:30 AM- Arrive to Work
12:00 PM- Box Lunch on Site
9:00 PM- Depart Worksite
11:30 PM- Arrive at Hotel
September 25, 2005
8:00 AM- Wake-up, shower, breakfast at McDonalds/Hotel
9:00 AM- Prayer and Worship on Site
10:00 AM- Depart for Gainesville
5:00 PM- Arrive in Gainesville

Cost Approximates (Difference will be refunded):
$60 Gas
$60 Hotel
$20 Food (2 Box Lunches, Pizza, Snacks)
You will be responsible for breakfasts, and meals on road

We are taking all the costs and dividing them equally among team members.
For simplicity, drivers are to pay for the gas as we go. Drivers save all gas receipts because if you pay more than your share of the total costs we will reimburse you. Non-drivers should bring a check for $140 made out to Christ Community Church (give to Jason MacGregor). If we are under budget we will refund the difference to you next week. If we run over budget, then we will ask for additional donations. We will issue tax receipts for all your trip costs.

What to Bring?—Space is limited so pack light

-Bug Spray (highest possible quality)
- Shoes, Jeans, work clothes, work gloves
- Health insurance information
- Allergy Medication,
- Prescription Medication
- oil, gas containers, building supplies,
- tire repair kits
-Small tools to work outside
-Cell phone with chargers
-$40 in cash for emergencies
-Personal hygiene products

What not to Bring?
-Flip-Flops, open-toed shoes

Church will bring
-limited medical supplies (band aids, aspirin, hydro-cordozone,
-Snacks during day
-Some tools

How can others help?
-Preparing box lunches


1. Frank Stankunas and Jason MacGregor and Ken Horner (Scout Team)
2. Kevin Phegley (359-8494), Layne Prebor (373-6361), and Rob Pendley
3. Dana Hicks (727-415-2126)-Lucy Moore ( (610) 246-0510), Brittany Nuggent (, Ali Payne ( (215) 837-2968), and Cassie Crocker (, 850-556-9284)
4. Mr. Leonard Stankunas, Kyra Stankunas-Sullivan, Jennifer Perez (352-377-4141 x2113 or 337-6692), Angie Skeens ( and Courtney Huenink (

Driver is italicized&BOLD

Contact Jason MacGregor at 352-372-5204

More tuesday 10:45am women's bible study action Posted by Picasa

Pat Blews & Nancy Spikes at Tuesday women's 10:45am study Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Katrina Trip... we gotta know

For those of you considering the katrina trip this weekend... we need to know if you are in or not. scroll down to larger post below for contact info------thanks

The Father's Kiss

gospel of Luke chapter 15 and verse 20: While he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him.

Spurgeon had 7 points in a sermon on this verse! The kiss displays:
1. Much love
2. Much forgiveness
3. full restoration
4. exceeding joy
5. overflowing comfort
6. strong assurance
7. intimate communion with his beloved son

Monday, September 19, 2005

tonite at christian study center

MONDAY September 19, 8:00pm:
***The Confessions of St. Augustine***
Dr. Charles Mathewes, Associate Professor of Religion, UVA

Meeting in the classroom of the Christian Study Center near UF

this week

tuesday: women's bible study 10:45am
wednesday: Coffee & Conversation for women 7pm
thursday: intro to christ community, session one (of 3) 7:00-8:15 community groups et al... see website for info

Katrina Trip Friday

We are all set to depart Friday and return Sunday. All types of work needs to be done. Most vehicles will leave Friday at 1pm. The details of our stay and work are being ironed out now. We are planning to make sure that all who need to be back before 9pm sunday are back. Make sure we know that this is your situation as we plan. To help with planning or to let us know you are interested, contact jemacgregor AT hotmail DOT com

Before going you'll need, at least:
1. Personal insurance
2. Updated tetanus shot & Hepatitus shot
3. Replaced yourself and your commitments (example: Rob was supposed to preach, he recruited another preacher--and a good one at that!)
4. Readiness to be flexible 5. Check this site for updates this week

There will be future trips. If this doesn't work out for you because you made prior commitments to serve somewhere or just can't make it... you'll get another opportunity!

Report from East Orlando

Y'day we prayed for the launch of this new congregation. Here's a report from them:
The public worship ministry of Christ Kingdom Church began tonight with a boom! What a great night of praise and thanksgiving. God brought together all the details. We had about 200 adults/children in attendance. Although many were well-wishers from University Presbyterian Church, many more were guests who had responded to the advertising or been invited by people on our launch team. Hopefully, we’ll have some pictures up on our web page soon to help you share in the experience.

Please join us in praising God for his goodness tonight and please ask Him to bless this new church with an overflowing power from His Holy Spirit. I am so thankful too for the incredible launch team that He assembled for this too. Everyone worked as a great team this weekend. Pray that we will be diligent in following up with the guests too.

Thanks for your incredible partnership with us. Please continue to pray!

Friday, September 16, 2005


9am Classes for all ages
adult class--THE COMPASSION OF JESUS--begins in media center/library

10am worship
>there is NO children's church this week
>We'll send Ray Treadwell off to serve overseas; and continue looking at "Jesus' Anger & Ours" aka The upside of anger... beautifully angry... etc

after worship, lots happening:
1. Very important meeting for all those in children's ministry
2. Details meeting for sept 23-25 Katrina trip (come to row 1 for mtg)
3. something else?

7pm at church house.... Youth Group!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

backpacks for gulf coast children

Sunday, September 18th, we are preparing backpack to deliver to the children of the Gulfport Mississippi area. After church, the children in the church or college students or adults will have the opportunity to 'stuff the bags' with goodies

What is the church is providing?
1. Backpack/bag
2. Gator Toy
3. The Lion, the Witch, and Wardrobe Book
4. Some minor other items that I can get donated

We are asking for donations to help cover the cost. $20-25

What the families need to bring?
1. School Supplies
2. Toys
3. Candies
4. Children's Book

Does it need to be new?
No, but it should still be useable. We don't won't any toy that will break the first day. Candy must be new and unused;) .

Can I donate something for all the bags?
Yes, if you want to donate goods to be stuffed. Please bring them to the 'sound room' on Sunday. Please try to think compact. The bags are not very large and the children will still need to carry them during several moves potentially.

What if more than 25 kids want to make bags?
Praise God then we will use temporary bags then purchase more.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

pray for frank stankunas as he gives his testimony...

to the fca at bronson hi school early wednesday morning

**UPDATE** God was with Frank as he did a great job testifying to the grace and power of a pursuing Savior.

Made for Anger

As human beings made and remade in the image of a holy God, we are hardwired with the capacity for anger at wrong, as an expression of love both for God and for those harmed by wrong. --david powlison

katrina trip 23-25

this trip is coming together! there will be an info meeting immediately after the service sunday ***If you are scheduled to be in the children's training meeting--GO!--you can get the info later****,
we'll meet in the front 2 rows of the theater; also, we really need an administrative type who is planning to go on the trip to step up NOW to help us plan this thing so that it is as effective as possible
call office now to volunteer for that 379-4949 or email
robp AT christcommunitychurch DOT com

ruf & crusade retreats are that weekend. go on the retreat if that was your plan, there will be another Miss. coast trip soon

ccc group had great trip to Miss. coast

Just got off phone with Nathan Currier. Nathan and about 7 other people from Christ Community headed up to Miss. coast last week. You'll hear from them very soon. This video is on the Mission to North America Disaster Relief site

Monday, September 12, 2005

Fall Women's Study STARTS tuesday

10:45am at stankunas' house
y'all come, all women welcome

map to stankunas houseMap of 2310 Sw 110th Ter Gainesville, FL by MapQuest they live right next to big and beautiful QUEEN OF PEACE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH

A Little Summin' Summin'

i wrote this for my fellow u2 fans, as i reflect on Anger of JesusWar & Peace: beautifully angry thoughts

Fly to Jesus

Fly to Jesus!
(Octavius Winslow, "My Times in God's Hand")

Oh! the unutterable blessings that flow
from a vital union with the Lord Jesus!

All of your cares are His cares.
All of your sorrows are His sorrows.
All of your needs are His supply.
All of your sicknesses are His cure.

Believer, nothing can....
separate you from the love of Jesus,
nor sever you from His care,
nor exclude you from His sympathy,
nor banish you from His heaven of eternal blessedness!

Fly to Jesus in the confidence of a loving Friend.
Reveal to Him your secret sorrow.
Confess to Him your hidden sin.
Acknowledge your backsliding to Him.

Tell Him your needs, your sufferings, your fears.
Tell Him how chilled your affections to Him are.
Tell Him how reserved is your obedience.
Tell Him how imperfect is your service.
Tell Him how you long to . . .
love Him more ardently;
follow Him more closely;
serve Him more devotedly;
and to be more wholly His.

Friday, September 09, 2005

how many things that you read 3 years ago do you remember today?

this article is one of mine:War & Peace: justice & our children: "our children are not our cause; they are given to us to train for the great causes of mercy and justice in a prejudiced, pain-filled, and perishing world"

Next 2 Sundays, "Jesus' Anger & Yours"

putting some great stuff i'm finding on anger here

trailer at Oak Hall saturday and sunday

this is good info for you to pass on to non-ccc folk, they can drop things off at Oak Hall anytime saturday.


++Remember there will be a 30 foot trailer bound for Miss. coast... scroll way down to find list of what to bring


<> class on the importance of the mind (for all non-parent adult types)
<> open house / orientation for grades 8 and below and their parents

worship in theater
children's church

<> at church house: reception for parents of grades 6-12... at church house, to meet youth leaders

Club 45 (monthly bible study & fellowship group for grades 4 & 5)at CHURCH HOUSE
7:00-8:30 Youth Group, at CHURCH HOUSE

pray for these, also... raiderfan congratulates pats on their victory, even without "tuck rule" this time!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

30 foot trailer we need to fill

I'll have much more info on how things are going with our work on the Miss. gulf coast---check here tomorrow. til then, remember that bill larson will have a trailer at church on sunday....non ccc-folk might be able to contribute by dropping off on saturday, i'll let you know here Friday

this list
came From Pascagoula, Miss thru nicole mytyk: Children who now have no homes to speak of, do not have any of the things available to occupy their minds. No only are they scared and terrified by all the hurricane damaged, and they have nothing to help take the stress off their minds. Items to help them like: coloring books, crayons, small toys, games, even some bicycles would be greatly appreciated. Personal hygiene items for both men and women are definitely very need. baby diapers, pull ups, baby bottles, body/baby wipes, baby shampoo, and everyone needs sunscreen. Sleeping bags, peroxide, ammonia, soap, multi-pack matches, small battery radios and extra batteries, zip lock bags, gallon size, plastic utensils, plastic cups, plates, Neosporin, polysporin, band aids, hand sanitizers, tooth paste, toothbrushes, disposable razors, and many other items. Many people have asked for Bibles and children’s bibles, and bible story books.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

planned trips

right now here are the planned trips involving ccc people
departing tomorrow: 3 carloads of students, led by our own Nathan Currier (to Miss.coast)
departing next week: bill larson and that 30 foot trailer
Sept 23-25 Frank Stankunas leading a "Get-r-Done" trip (to miss. coast)
November 11-14 sheri valera coordinating
This little boy visited the relief site we're helping on the Mississippi Gulf coast. Isn't it great to think of that tangible love of Christ? Making the day of some little guy who probably lost everything... Posted by Picasa

McGovern's New Baby...

was born last night at 9:47pm. “Patrick Mitchell McGovern” weighed 6lbs., 11oz., and was 19in long. He was born in Tampa and they hope to take him home, at the latest, Friday!


The next 2 sundays we will look at the anger of Jesus. It begs these 2 questions, at least:
1.) When were you last angry? Briefly describe the circumstances.
2.) What makes you angry?

I've turned the comments ON because i want to hear you

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

housing opportunities

there is a website helping to connect people displaced by the hurricane with families that could spare a room while repairs are being done. There may be Tulane students looking to transfer to UF....

you can also register your home at

note from group leaving Thursday

nathan currier is leading a team going Thursday afternoon thru Sunday night
Please let the church know that we are going if anyone wants to join us, to contact me via email ( ncurrier AT , specifically they asked for non-perishable food items and ice. Also will need water and money for gas. I'm willing to pay for gas and supplies and hopefully split the cost with whoever is going. --more later

Monday, September 05, 2005

Relief workers and supplies at First Presbyterian of Biloxi, Mississippi. This effort is being coordinated by North Florida Presbytery's Disaster Relief Team, one of the 3 places Christ Community is sending financial support. Posted by Picasa

Phegley baby born 11:50 SUnday nite!

i don't know how to spell her name... alyssa? alissa? 9lb 5oz
20 inches

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Fall Women's Study STARTS tuesday

10:45am at stankunas' house
y'all come, all women welcome
kim pendley introducing PERSON OF JESUS study

Sunday at Oak Hall when Christ Community Gathers

alot going on...
9am Prayer Meeting focused on Katrina follow-up (see below for details)
EVERYONE is welcome in the media center/library...
10am Lord's Supper service, kickoff of new series Being Changed by Seeing Jesus Anew, or something like that.

9am in media center:

9:00-9:10 summary of information on our Katrina response

9:10-9:40 prayer

So it is more of a prayer meeting that will contain some information, rather than an information meeting that will have a prayer at the end.

2 Corinthians 3:18

--Kistemaker commenting on "we are being transformed"...
The verb is in the present tense and passive in voice, which means that transformation is a process with an implied agent doing this work in us.

The Greek verb is metamorphousthai (to be transformed)

made me think of CS Lewis' words in Mere Xnity:
Did you ever think, when you were a child, what fun it would be if your toys could come to life? Well suppose you could really have brought them to life.
Imagine turning a tin soldier into a real little man. It would involve turning the tin into flesh. And suppose the tin soldier did not like it. He is not interested in flesh; all he sees is that the tin is being spoilt. He thinks you are killing him. He will do everything he can to prevent you He
will not be made into a man if he can help it.

For you are no longer thinking simply about right and wrong; you are trying to catch the good infection from a Person. It is more like painting a portrait than like obeying a set of rules. And the odd thing is that while in one way it is much harder than keeping rules, in another way it is far easier.

The real Son of God is at your side. He is beginning to turn you into the same kind of thing as Himself. He is beginning, so to speak, to 'inject' His kind of life and thought, His Zoe, into you; beginning to turn the tin soldier into a live man. The part of you that does not like it is the part that is still tin.

We know that Jesus, who changes our lives, is the wellspring of our transformed inner being. This change occurs through the working of the Holy Spirit (see v. 17). “Our whole transformation is the work of the Lord in and by and through the Spirit.” RCH Lenski

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Hurricane Katrina — A typical House — The Remains

This is the kind of cleanup help people will need.

New Website where you can sign up

to house a displaced person or a family, you can choose a family who is a part of one of our sister PCA churches, if you wishPCA Relief -- Hurricane Katrina Disaster Response

Friday, September 02, 2005

A Marathon, not a Sprint

That’s what World Vision said about Tsunami relief - it would be long-term. We need to think the same way about New Orleans.

Urban Onramps:

Prayer Requests from Desire Street in New Orleans

Pray for the safe relocation of our staff and the children and families we serve. Pray families that have been separated will be reunited and find their loved ones alive and in good health.
Pray that the looting and violence in New Orleans will come under control and that those still in our community and city will be evacuated quickly and safely.
Pray for our senior staff as they make critical decisions about how best to serve our community, a community now spread across many states.
Pray we are able to find a location to restart Desire Street Academy as a boarding school. This is one of our highest priorities as we move forward beyond immediate recovery.
Pray that the love of Christ will shine through our ministry and that God would bring true hope during this time of great despair.

while jogging y'day...

... this: song came on my Ipod and i wondered if it might be on the lips of those suffering along gulf coast

"You speak of signs and wonders
But I need something other
I would believe if I was able
But I’m waiting on the crumbs from your table

Where you live should not decide
Whether you live or whether you die
Three to a bed
Sister Ann, she said
Dignity passes by"

an example of The Connected Church at Work

Hurricane Katrina Disaster Response Summit Meeting - byFaith Online

Katrina Friday Morning Misc.

several things today
There is a group leaving after church sunday to spend Sunday thru Thursday doing debris removal and necessity distribution in Biloxi, Mississippi. Please bring
~non-perishable food items that don't require can opener
~hygiene necessities (diapers too!)
~lightweight clothing, it is hot (doesn't have to be new, can be used)
(I need someone to volunteer to help coordinate the stuff that comes in and getting it to the people leaving... robp AT christcommunitychurch DOT com

2. Update on needs of our church in uptown New Orleans, i was involved in RUF at Miss.State with pastor's wife (fyi this is also the congregation that Danny Wuerffel? was involved with)
Please pray for the rescue of several people from Jeffrey’s congregation who are apparently “trapped” in flooded areas/buildings and unable to leave: Paul Verret, a female nurse, and an elderly man.

Please pray for the restoration of law and order in New Orleans since this is a serious obstacle to the rescue workers continuing their search.

Please pray for Jeffrey’s family who are moving to Memphis temporarily: his three children (Lucy, Jeffrey, and Bedon) are seeking to enroll in Memphis area schools and have their interviews tomorrow. Jeffrey and Cathy are especially concerned that their children can be re-settled quickly with a minimum amount of difficulty; they earnestly seek prayer for their children during this time.

Please pray for wisdom for Jeffrey and Cathy as they seek to care for each other, their children and the Redeemer-New Orleans congregation.

3. From the Desire Street webpage:

Latest Information
Thank you for your prayers during this very difficult time. We hope to update our site as often as possible in the coming months to keep you posted on our staff and the children and families of Desire and the surrounding communities.

Our staff members are almost all accounted for and are living with friends and family from California to Florida, but most remain between Houston and Atlanta. Many staff evacuated with youth from the community and will serve as surrogate families for the time being. We are working hard to locate everyone and provide them with resources.

We are establishing a hub of operations in the Atlanta area and are working to relocate as many children and families as possible. Churches and individuals have offered many resources, from housing and supplies to funds and ready workers. We are very grateful and hope to corral these resources to impact the families we are called to serve.

As you know, it will be quite some time before we can get back into the city of New Orleans to start any type of recovery process. In the short term, we are working with World Relief, an agency that has access to the city. In the long term, we look forward to linking arms with the body of Christ as we work to rebuild our community.

Our greatest immediate needs are for prayers and funding.
We are determined to keep as many of our staff members as possible, so operational support is critical. Job descriptions will certainly change, but our calling to minister to the children and families of Desire remains the same.

5. This is from a guy like us, member of pca church in gulfport--(i think we were in the same church as children--believe it or not!) The reality is beginning to set in for us. Holly has been amazingly strong but tonight while working on some FEMA documentation she began to break down. I am still numb/cold. But I am beginning to come to grips with the fact that we may be financially kaput. We have been cared for in so many ways by so many people. Our hearts are warmed and comforted by the outpouring of support. But we are afraid. The coming months will become a great test of faith and endurance.

Again, I cannot begin to thank all of you who are finding ways to help us. The show of love and kindness and compassion is truly remarkable. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. -Batch Batchelder

some of the relief money will wind up going to those who have wrongly looted and seem 'demanding' on TV. But i believe 95% of your $$ and donations is going to people like Batch and his family.

--more to come, Rob

Thursday, September 01, 2005

"We're All Homeless" -- New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary Shares in its City's Suffering

brief story here

New info

Bill Larson, has a large, enclosed trailer (~30ft.) that he is wanting to fill up with supplies for the relief effort for New Orleans.
they are taking donations to fill this trailer up.

-light weight clothing

-non-perishable food

The trailer will be at our service at Oak Hall on SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 11. If you need to make arrangements to drop things off before then... call bill.

Bill Larson: 352-213-5040(cell) 352-378-5025(work)

katrina relief update

Dear Friends,

We have all watched with horror the various tragedies of the past week. People are suffering and need help. The elders sent money to the relief effort from our mercy fund earlier this week. We’re also receiving donations today that we’ll direct towards New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. For now, it appears that the best way we can help them in the long run is to fund ministry in their midst until the community’s rebuild - which could be years. We’ll let you know as things grow clearer. For now, Christ Community are represented in the area by people helping stage relief efforts from Jackson and Biloxi. It appears that you will be able to physically go and help anytime you want in the next weeks and months. We will seek to organize at least a couple of trips in the coming month.

Your best method of staying updated is and

God moves in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform;
He plants His footsteps in the sea
And rides upon the storm.

Deep in unfathomable mines
Of never failing skill
He treasures up His bright designs
And works His sovereign will.

Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take;
The clouds ye so much dread
Are big with mercy and shall break
In blessings on your head.

Blind unbelief is sure to err
And scan His work in vain;
God is His own interpreter,
And He will make it plain.

--William Cowper, 1731-1800