Thursday, September 08, 2005

30 foot trailer we need to fill

I'll have much more info on how things are going with our work on the Miss. gulf coast---check here tomorrow. til then, remember that bill larson will have a trailer at church on sunday....non ccc-folk might be able to contribute by dropping off on saturday, i'll let you know here Friday

this list
came From Pascagoula, Miss thru nicole mytyk: Children who now have no homes to speak of, do not have any of the things available to occupy their minds. No only are they scared and terrified by all the hurricane damaged, and they have nothing to help take the stress off their minds. Items to help them like: coloring books, crayons, small toys, games, even some bicycles would be greatly appreciated. Personal hygiene items for both men and women are definitely very need. baby diapers, pull ups, baby bottles, body/baby wipes, baby shampoo, and everyone needs sunscreen. Sleeping bags, peroxide, ammonia, soap, multi-pack matches, small battery radios and extra batteries, zip lock bags, gallon size, plastic utensils, plastic cups, plates, Neosporin, polysporin, band aids, hand sanitizers, tooth paste, toothbrushes, disposable razors, and many other items. Many people have asked for Bibles and children’s bibles, and bible story books.