Friday, August 12, 2005

enda da summa

Well, the end of the summer is here. Sunday should be a great day of seeing old friends and meeting new ones. Couple of reminders.

Parking... will be an issue for us for the next months. I want to strongly encourage those who are physically able to park AS FAR AWAY as possible. No martyrs, please. If you are older, handicapped, or with young children... park close... park in the round circle drive that goes around the fountain.

Our 9:00am Sunday School classes are still NOT HAPPENING. They will return, with a tan and a new attitude, on September 11.
I know some of you have special training classes this Sunday. THOSE are on and childcare will be provided.
10:00am worship in the theatre... your arrival in the room by 9:59 would be so wonderfully helpful. Sitting towards the front and middle would be the cherry on top.

Think on this:
You too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ

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