Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The 6 Defeaters

A couple of years ago several young professionals in Manhattan were gathered to create a list. A list that answers the question: What are the main reasons you are not a Christian? After much discussion and pruning, being led by a faithful Christian... they came up with these:

1. There cannot be one religion that is right and the others are wrong.
2. There is too much evil and suffering in the world.
3. Human choice is too sacred. If I yield to any authority outside myself, I feel like I have given up some of what makes me human. I must decide my own ethics.
4. The record of Christians. Crusades, inquisitions, racism, need i go on?
5. I cannot believe in and love a god who demands a blood sacrifice before he can accept me. Sounds like divine child abuse, doesn't it?
6. The bible. An individual or culture embracing the bible's teaching will be regressive. Especially in issues of Race, gender, and sexuality

Do any of these resonate with you? Have you heard similar from your friends, family, co-workers?

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