Monday, May 15, 2006

Bringing the Bible to life?

I have really appreciated the way the Sunday 9am class has been publicized.
I have always been uncomfortable with the phrase i put in the title... so the words below summarized a much more helpful (and accurate) way to speak about such things:

"I understand the intent of the people who seek to make the Bible come alive. On the whole I believe that their intentions are pure but their wording is imprecise. In most cases I would suggest that these people are attempting to "bring the history of the Bible to life" or to "bring the setting of the Bible to life." This is a far different task than bringing the actual Scripture to life. It is a far more noble task. The Bible is, after all, a historical document that was written within particular places and within particular cultural contexts. It may be helpful, at times, to bring to life some glimpses of the culture, customs and history of the Bible."

more here: