Tuesday, December 20, 2005

thought provoking 5 minutes on good morning america

Ken & pattie thompson are members of CCC who moved here this summer. Recently pattie's son ethan was in a faith & university segment on good morning america

i just watched it here
and had these thoughts:
1.) They studied the U.of Georgia... of course children have trouble believing in God there... they get waxed by UF every Fall!
2.) I do think there is some correlation between being challenged to "doubt" your faith while living at home
3.) The only answer i've ever found (personally & pastorally) to the struggle to seek joy by abusing alcohol, sexuality, etc is that Christianity is a religion of joy, freedom and power... that old sermon "The Expulsive Power of a New Affection" is so key here... John Piper & CS Lewis helped alot here