Friday, December 09, 2005

Narnia Last Night

Preliminary observations:
On the event of us gathering... wonderful to see so many children exposed to so many central gospel truths. you probably know that cs lewis didn't mean LWW to be a point by point parallel of the biblical gospel. Lewis has written that he meant it to be a kind of "pre-evangelism" thing that would create grooves of wonder and hope in children's minds so that when they hear the biblical gospel and historical Jesus announcement-- they would say/think, "Oh my, there really is a conquering Lion who is worthy of my allegiance."
I think that part definately came thru in film.

Also, you need to know that through the generosity of our elders, 20 children from the Florida Baptist Children's Home were able to view the film with us. May they grow up knowing the security of being loved and cared for by the ultimate King. And that His followers shall reign with Him forever. There are no "orphans" in the Kingdom of God... only royal sons & daughters.
--i'll post more reflections on the film later--