Sunday, April 23, 2006

Revelation, John Piper, and Left Behind

Item 1: Several people mentioned being helped by today's sermon. I'm glad. Steve's work (which I've seen already) in Revelation next Sunday is really good.

ITem 2: One person asked, "So you don't seem to follow the Left Behind series." Correct, i don't.

Item 3: Another wondered if I could re-state the John Piper comment.
#1. I'm not worthy to carry John Piper's shoes. As a preacher, dad, husband, anything.
#2. He is in the top 10 influences on my life.
#3. When he says, "Do you enjoy more making much of God or having God make much of you (paraphrase)?" I think there's a false choice he's making me make.

I totally get that much of American christianity doesn't make much of God and that is rubbish. But I think there is a better way to say it than he does. He is so popular and right on 99% of the time (wait, baptism if off too, make it 98%) that we all need to be reminded to be like the Berean church in Acts.
All that said, John Piper is one of the men who i sincerely thank God for putting in my path. If I could run 1/100 as faithful a race I would be thrilled.