Friday, January 20, 2006

NPR helps us seek the coming of the Kingdom of God

This morning on the way into school my children and i listened to a review on NPR of what sounds like an interesting documentary/movie. "The boys of baruka" is what it sounded like to me.

Anyway, about 76% of black teen boys in baltimore do not graduate from high school. In an effort to fight this some group takes 40 jr hi boys to Kenya to live in boarding school for grades 7 & 8. The plan is to grip them there with a vision for their lives that includes a commitment to be a life-long learner. It was fascinating.

In connecting it with us, we (the pca) have a wonderful community re-development work going in the sandtown area of baltimore. i'm sure there are many great things being done by Christ-followers in baltimore. why don't you pray for that city (and especially the boys there) today? that the prayer of Jesus would be realized---THY KINGDOM COME, THY WILL BE DONE... on earth.... as it is in Heaven

**I hope to add links later, to npr, to sandtown, etc... BTW, blogger is telling me that this blog looks like a spam blog... how offensive! does that mean it is boring? Like when i answer phone and people say, "Oh, i thought you were a machine... hey Rob..."