Friday, November 11, 2005

9:00am- Sunday School Classes for all ages
10:00am- Worship Service (children's church will be dismissed prior to sermon)
4:30pm– Club45 @ the church house*
7:00pm- Youth Group @ the church house*

text notes on Acts 16:
1. when God captures your heart, your resources are with it (lydia's house)
2. lydia is on her way to being the multi-tasking proverbs 31 woman... which is SOO different from the stereotypical "conservative/traditional" view of women
3. loads of stuff on guidance of the Holy Spirit, First, we learn that God may guide us for a long time sending us only “no’s”
without any “yes’s” at all.
Second, guidance is never passively received--it always entails wrestling with
the evidence and using your mind and making a choice.
Third, guidance is corporate.
Fourth, guidance is gradual.
more here
4. "Lord, I thank you that i was not born a woman, a slave, or a Gentile." that was the morning prayer Paul had been taught growing up... boy, must his paradigms must have beens in pieces after his time in philippi!
5. lydia household baptized, phil jailer household baptized... doesn't say infants involved... but servants were almost surely there... certainly seems to at least leave open the possibility of the presbyterian understanding of "who" gets baptized
6. If you have people in your life that you think are not the "type to become a follower of Jesus" then you have forgotten the very power that reached your heart
7. Paul & mates SING in the night sing for 2 reasons (i can think of): 1.) they are drunk on alcohol, a sports team victory, or the grace of God 2.) they are in a rock band I can't think of other times men sing.
8. you gotta be flexible evangelistically
a.) lydia needed a bible study, reasoning
b.) slave girl needed direct assault on her heart, power encounter
c.) phil.jailer needed to see Xn character (they sang in night AND resisted fleeing jail post earthquake) and to be served in a personal crisis by Christians
So, Memorized gospel presentations can be useful and but perish the thought that my (or your) contact with every non-Xn should look similar