Monday, October 31, 2005

Waco pastor electrocuted while peforming baptism

Please pray for the widow and 3 young children who lost their husband and father... - Waco pastor electrocuted while peforming baptism

Friday Morning Men's B'fast at the Church House

full breakfast
purpose is for men to be together
a brief devotional will be given

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Kaitlyn Joy Gallagher info

Born Wednesday at 12:30pm
She weighs 7lbs 1oz. and is 20 1/2 in. long

Thanks for all the prayers for the safe delivery!
Christ Community Church - Gainesville Florida - News and Events
Kaitlyn Joy Gallagher was born this week! More later...

MOVE YOUR clocks

Before retiring this evening, move them BACK.
Example: going to bed and clock says 10:30... move it to 9:30

Friday, October 28, 2005

Items for Prayer --updated

Jen Phegley is at North Florida Hospital. Stabilized, but fighting a 103 fever.

Josiah Hamilton is at Ohio State getting a heart cath this afternoon. His parents, Greg & Denise, are with him.
UPDATE: Josiah's heart cath went great and while they were "in there" they realized that his stint needed repair and so they did that too. They hope to come back to Gainesville this weekend!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Josiah Hamilton to Ohio

5 year old Josiah's heart cath will take place Friday in Ohio. See below for full story.

Human Sex Trafficking

i saw an ad but didn't see the mini-series on LIFETIME
this tragedy is true and ongoing... here is one group fighting by faith for God's kingdom to come and His will to be done in this areaInternational Justice Mission

Just for fun

The Stankunas invite you to their home this Sunday afternoon, 3:00-6:00pm for fun activities, including a pumpkin carving contest! Everyone is welcome. "We'll provide the dogs, chips, maybe smores if its cool outside. Not very well planned. We just thought it would be fun."

Bring your own:
Carving Tools

Call Sharon Stankunas for more info and directions: #332-9258

Josiah Hamilton

Greg and Denise Hamilton live in Bronson and have been a part of our church since this summer. They are now involved with the youth group along with Erik and Lindzee Folgate. Greg is a teacher in the Bronson school department, and Denise is a substitute teacher in the Bronson school district. Recently, their youngest son, Josiah, has been in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Shands Hospital undergoing tests. Josiah is 5 years old and the youngest of their 4 children (Joshua, Zachary, and Deonna), and has had many serious heart problems since birth.

Our most recent update is that we are still waiting to hear from the doctors about catherization being done in Ohio or here, but this decision will take place sometime today, and he and Denise could be on their way to Ohio by tomorrow.

Ways to help:
We are figuring out how we can get food and meals to the family, so we will keep you posted.
For today, Josiah is on the 10th floor at Shands, and visitors are welcome.

Greg asks that you Pray like this:
That it be a successful heart catherization Friday in Gainesville or at Ohio State (where the docs who did his bypass surgeries 4 years ago are now)

Their Home Address:
423 Paradise Lane
Bronson, FL 32621

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Josiah Hamilton, still waiting

Sadly, Josiah's IV's dried up and they had to "put him under" to insert a pic (sp?) line. Still waiting to hear from docs about catherization being done in Ohio or here.

INFANT BAPTISM: How My Mind Has Changed

Last Sunday we baptized an infant. This Sunday we'll baptize an adult.
We usually don't have to explain to people why we baptize adults. We do have to explain why we baptize the children of believers. Recently the elders decided that we wouldn't do a "full-fledged explanation" every time we baptized a child, we'd just celebrate God's goodness.
But, we still do try to help those who don't "see" this in Scripture understand where we get it from. thus this link...
This is a letter from a man to his daughter.INFANT BAPTISM: How My Mind Has Changed: "I want to let you know what biblical evidence changed my mind from holding a “believers’ baptism” position to the conviction that both those who are converted as adults and the infants and children of believers should be baptized."

What do you think of this definition/profile?

this from JI Packer:
I profile evangelicalism in terms of six belief-and-behavior principles, thus:

1. Enthroning Holy Scripture, the written word of God, as the supreme authority and decisive guide on all matters of faith and practice;

2. Focusing on the glory, majesty, kingdom, and love of Jesus Christ, the God-man who died as a sacrifice for our sins and who rose, reigns, and will return to judge mankind, perfect the church, and renew the cosmos;

3. Acknowledging the lordship of the Holy Spirit in the entire life of grace, which is the life of salvation expressed in worship, work, and witness;

4. Insisting on the necessity of conversion (not of a particular conversion experience, but of a discernibly converted condition, regenerate, repentant, and rejoicing);

5. Prioritizing evangelism and church extension as a life-project at all times and under all circumstances; and

6. Cultivating Christian fellowship, on the basis that the church of God is essentially a living community of believers who must help each other to grow in Christ.
--JI Packer

Rosa Parks, Ninevah, etc

1. Rosa Parks Has Died: If you don't know how huge she was in influence... read a little about her. A couple of summers ago i listened to MLK's speech shortly after the incident (he was a young Montgomery preacher then) and was blown away by her bravery and what an unlikely hero she was.

2. also, heard on NPR this morning that Ninevah was the swing vote in the Iraqi elections. Interesting.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Josiah Hamilton

Greg Hamilton just called me with an update:
Josiah will have to have a heart catherization. The decision is in the doctors hands as to whether it is done at Shands or in Ohio.

Greg asks that you Pray like this:
1. That it be a successful heart cath
Friday in Gainesville
or at Ohio State (where the docs who did his bypass surgeries 4 years ago are now)
2. That Josiah's IV's not dry up as they await the cath

Never Surrender

“Let us never surrender our judgments or our consciences to be at the disposal and opinions of others, and to be subjected to the sentences and determinations of men…"
--Samuel Bolton, 1645

(Weird side note. When you saw the words "never surrender"... anyone else think of an 80's song from Corey Hart?)

Not Joshua, but JOSIAH Hamilton

I mentioned Sunday morning that 5 year old Josiah is in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Shands Hospital. I've just returned from visiting him (he beat me in Chutes & Ladders) and his attitude is great. Pray for them as tomorrow the docs will decide what is best from here. For now we don't have a good hold on how you might serve them. Probably some meals will help later this week.

UPDATE: The Hamilton's are meeting with the doctors soon to decide next steps.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

One to 2 week opportunities with Mission to the World

anticipating that some will want to know about these as they are thrust out by the Lord of the Harvest
Welcome to

Friday, October 21, 2005

Pornified, a helpful BRIEF book review of a helpful new book

Challies Dot Com: Pornified: How Pornography is Transforming Our Lives, Our Relationships, and Our Families

Want to help with Ada Perry saturday morning?

click here for info

Sunday at Christ Community

9am Classes for all ages
age segmented up to 8th grade
high school and up in media center
10am worship
this is our 2nd sunday on Matthew 9 and our last sunday on the emotions of Christ. we haven't exhausted the biblical teaching on them, but i feel compelled to take us back to the book of Acts on Sunday October 30
BAPTISM: this sunday we'll baptize a baby and then on the 30th we'll baptize a new convert

in a sermon On Matthew 9 charles spurgeon said:
"Surely, brethren and sisters, if you love him, and wish to be like him, you cannot look on this
congregation without pity. You cannot go out into the streets of London
and stand in the high roads among the surging masses for half an hour
without saying, "Whither away these souls? Which road are they
travelling? Will they all meet in heaven?" What! live ye in London, move
ye about in this great metropolis, and do ye never have the heartache, never
feel your soul ready to burst with pity? Then shame upon you! Ask yourself
whether ye have the spirit of Christ at all."

Desire Street Boys, Football, Life

For the boys of Desire Street, a chance to play football in New Orleans is heavy with hope and grief. "As painful as it was, we wanted them to see that there's really no New Orleans to go back to" | by Jamie Dean
here is the entire article:

Thursday, October 20, 2005

The beings whom Jesus sought out,...

and drew around Him, were . . . .
the burdened,
the bowed down,
the disconsolate,
the poor,
the friendless,
the helpless,
the ignorant,
the weary.

He loved to lavish upon such the fullness of His
benevolent heart, and to exert upon such the skill
of His wonder working power.

--octavius winslow

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe

you have probably heard that there is a full-length feature film coming out in early december from Disney... the first reviews seem that the movie will be faithful to CS Lewis' book. One previewer, Gene Edward Veith, reflects that this film may do much more to get out the message of the gospel than Mel Gibson's Passion did... How so? Read onBetter than "the Passion"?

This looks helpful

Theopedia if you don't own (or have handy) your 1000 page encyclopedia of Christianity... i searched a few terms and thought the references it brought up were quite faithful to what the Bible teaches

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

This weekend

There will be some work done to make Ada Perry's home (near Oak Hall) more suitable to her medical condition.
Ripping out carpet, putting down linoleum or tile... if you are interested in being of help... contact Larry Eubanks.317-1928

This from 2 of our UF students

This Thursday is a highly anticipated abortion debate between Vox:
Voices of Planned Parenthood and the Prolife Alliance. It will be Thursday, October 20, in FLINT 50 from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. Jenny Tovey is organizing the debate and Sheri Valera will be one of the debating participants - both regularly attend Christ Community. Following the debate in Flint 11 will be a Pro-Life Alliance meeting.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

monday evening at Christian Study Center

St. Augustine: Catholic or Protestant Saint?
Fr. Ron Kuykendall of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
8:00 pm 10/17/2005 at the Christian study center

Friday, October 14, 2005

Whose Life is a Wreck?

and what has been your emotional response to them and their decisions/situation?

"In Matthew 9 Christ looks at the ignorant multitudes and He responds not with derision but with love and compassion. As He looks at these people who were in rebellion against God and their lives are a wreck, He looks upon them not with disdain but with love, and longing to see them restored to God." --Ligon Duncan

His heart broke

He felt great pity
He felt compassion
He had compassion...

The Compassion of Jesus is our focus this week... found in Matthew 9. What would it look like for us to be a church that is a part of the BODY OF CHRIST to display the heart of Christ to Gainesville?

He felt great pity for the crowds that came, because their problems were so great and they didn't know where to go for help.

Read matthew 9:35-38

Thursday, October 13, 2005

action shot from Club 45 (monthly group for 4th & 5th grade) Sunday night at the church house Posted by Picasa

Women's Progressive Baby Shower

is Friday nite

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

The UF chapter is seeking to raise funds to attend a Leadership Conference this Winter. If you would like to sponsor a scholarship-or just want more info, contact Kacy McGrady or Ryan Stringfellow
ctown AT ufl DOT edu

napolean dy-no-mite

yes yes... i'm about 2 years late... but i'm really enjoying "napolean dynamite talk" with my 10 year old right now

Monday, October 10, 2005

The First Move

"You would not have called to me unless I had been calling to you," said the Lion.

--The Silver Chair

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Ada Perry Update

Ada Perry was moved to University Place, a rehabilitation facility, wednesday night.
The moved was prompted by AGH due to a lack of beds and Medicare and Medicaid limitations.

University Place is located at 4000 SW 20th Ave which is closer to Tower Road. Her room number is 100. The phone number for a direct line into her room is: 377-1981 ext. 1001

Visiting hours are all day.

A favor

Does anyone have a Lion King (the original!) dvd i might borrow? robp AT

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


This is a week that many are trying to draw attention to:
a.) The huge problem that pornography is in our culture and in the Church
b.) The transforming power of the gospel to help the believer fight for sexual wholeness

Here is just one article ... i'll post more later, and some of my thoughts
Behold the man upon a cross
My sin upon His shoulders
Ashamed I hear my mocking voice
Call out among the scoffers


Yuppie Words

bob dylan in an interview with rolling stone, circa 1991 said:
These are yuppie words, happiness and unhappiness. It's not happiness or unhappiness, it's either blessed or unblessed.

which is so interesting to me this week b/c Jesus, in discussing joy, says, "Blessed are the eyes that see..."

Broken Masterpieces: Switchfoot - Happy Is A Yuppie Word

Some sentences require time...

here is one:
"The worth and excellency of a soul is to be measured by the object of its love." -Henry Scougal in Books: The Life of God in the Soul of Man

sometimes i get emails...

... that are such good questions i feel many more need to know the answer:
Here are 2 such:

1.) Ada Perry is in room 6346a of shands ALACHUA GENERAL HOSPITAL (AGH)
the phone there is 372-4321

2.) Tim & Kathy Keller lectured for 70 minutes and then answered questions for another hour... on the topic CULTIVATING A HEALTHY MARRIAGE. Should be a required download/listen for every married couple, engaged couple, single wanting to be a supportive friend to married people, etc
The lecture was given on 4-1-2005 and i'll try to include the link. If it doesn't "work"... just navigate thru until you find it in the sermons section and shell out the $5

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Please be in prayer for Ada. The dear black sister who comes to worship in the motorized wheelchair. She's been hospitalized for weeks and needs our love and prayer.

Women's bible study today at 10:45am. Pray for God's Spirit to move there.

To make a wretch His treasure

How deep the Father's love for us
How vast beyond all measure
That He should give His only Son
To make a wretch His treasure


Monday, October 03, 2005

Identification without loss of identity

JESUS SENDS US into the world, as the Father sent him into the world. In other words our mission is to be modeled on his. Indeed all authentic mission is incarnational mission. It demands identification without loss of identity. It means entering other people's worlds as he entered ours, though without compromising our Christian convictions, values, or standards.
--John Stott, The Contemporary Christian